I am an entrepreneur and partner in crime of leaders and organizations who want to create a positive impact in the world. As a thought leader in the area of New Work and self-management I offer the organizational model #AdaptiveOrg. I am passionate about creating collaborative approaches in different fields such as software solutions, regional communities, politics, etc.
In 2021 I started to invest in the corporate sustainability topic. So since 2022 I support organizations in their sustainability efforts. I offer consulting in CSRD-reporting, and/or in becoming a certified B Corp and/or GWÖ (economy for common good) business.
I am also father of two wonderful children and an enthusiastic tennis player.

Our business world is full of potential to create sustainable and long-lasting impact and be a catalyzer of change and transformation. The foundation to it, is collaboration that leads into co-creation, which is vastly not lived in action today.
"Good relationships keep us happier and healthier, period." - These powerful words by Robert J. Waldinger of the Harvard Study of Adult Development hold a lot of truth. We live in collaboration and co-creation, which makes our communities thrive.
Politics are created and still today running on a long-outdated system. This system does not serve our society and all its stakeholders anymore. There are new practical ways, tools and cases how to reinvent political systems.
Nature does not only frame the ecosystem we live in but we are interrelated with nature and even dependent on nature. Nature holds a lot of wisdom, which provides interesting cases and inspiration to co-exist and organically collaborate.

Over the years, I teamed up with several collaborators around the globe to explore and discover the different facets of collaboration. Experimenting with different approaches, contexts and groups had us gain deep insights and practice collaboration to the extend of co-creation together. Let's connect, discover and collaborate as well!